Our New Reality – Social Distancing

Mar, 23, 2020
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National Seashore

It seems like everyone is writing about Covid-19. We’re going to do the same. We’re not going to get into the how and why this all happened but are going to focus on how our plans have changed and what we’re doing now.

Last week while writing our blog we had plans to talk about our month in Galveston this week. It just doesn’t seem like the right thing to do today. Maybe next week.

We are currently in Rockport, TX. Our plan was to leave here on April 4th, head to Nacogdoches, TX then on to Shreveport, LA for a week. From there we were going to spend a night outside of Little Rock then to Branson, MO for a week before we went to the visit the older daughter and her family for a month. After that we were heading to Colorado to see the younger daughter her family and other family and friends for a couple months.

Covid-19 changed all of that. We made the decision to stay in Rockport for at least another month and probably longer. We’re in a good place and feel that the best thing for us is to stay put for a while. We have talked to the kids about our decision and while they’re a little disappointed they are absolutely on board with us staying put. While we would really love to be with our families at this time, we understand how quickly it is spreading and want to do our part by only going out for necessities.

@youmetherv posted this and we wanted to share it.

Social Distancing
Act of love for others

Acts of mass cooperation intended to protect the collective whole. It is an agreement between humans around the planet to be still. Be still, in hopes the biggest wave can pass without engulfing too many of the vulnerable among us.

You, Me & the RV

We will be still. We will stay where we are and socially distance ourselves. We will do our part in hopes that our country can get back to normal very quickly.

This is a tough time for all of us. We’re separated from our families, we’re scared, we’re worried about being able to get basic supplies. Parents now have to home school their children when that was never on their radar as something they wanted to do. Business are closed down leaving countless people out of work. But, companies are stepping up to do their part to help. Car manufacturers are retooling their factories to make ventilators. People at home are sewing masks for healthcare workers. People are doing what they can to help out. We believe that our country will get through this and be stronger than ever.

We are praying for everyone on the front lines. Healthcare workers, police, fire, paramedics, grocery store workers, truckers, warehouse workers and all those making sure we can get healthcare, food, medications, disinfecting supplies and other necessities.

Vicki Blakney

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